- Jul 10, 2016A Believer Must Not Grieve or Quench the Holy Spirit If They Want to Grow. (Part2)
- Jun 26, 2016A Believer Must Not Grieve or Quench the Holy Spirit If They Want To Grow.
- Jun 19, 2016In The Name of Jesus: Breakthrough & Be Becoming A Spiritual Man.
- Jun 12, 2016In The Name of Jesus: From Burdens, Bondage & Baggage—To Breakthrough.
- Jun 5, 2016In The Name of Jesus: From Burdens, Bondage & Baggage—To Bridges.
- May 29, 2016In The Name of Jesus: From Burdens, Bondage & Baggage—to Bridges.
- May 22, 2016In The Name of Jesus: Burdens, Bondage & Baggage.
- May 15, 2016In The Name of Jesus.